Moreover, a struggling and stressed employee is more prone to make mistakes that could cost the company more than if the same employee was merely absent. Failure to thrive (FTT) is a term that is traditionally used for children who have failed to develop and grow normally.

The obvious one is the productivity gap between the employee struggling through the day compared to when that employee is healthy and happy. While an employee is contributing by still showing up for work despite being injured, stressed, or ill, presenteeism can cost the employer in a few different ways. Simply put, presenteeism costs employers money. Even though the employee is physically present at work, because they are experiencing. Employers have attempted to address presenteeism by enacting wellness programs, providing additional types of leave, and offering flexible working schedules to provide more work–life balance. Presenteeism: A loss of workplace productivity resulting from employee health problems and/or personal issues. to provide people who are living with vision loss the opportunity to gain the necessary coping skills, information, and education needed to thrive.Presenteeism is now seen as a larger problem than absenteeism as the number of workers working through illnesses and conditions is thought to be much larger than those missing work for illness.Presenteeism is a productivity issue that comes from workers coming to work while unwell physically, mentally, or emotionally.